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TrajTracker Paradigms: Sample scripts
Number-to-position mapping

Basic configuration

A basic number-to-position task requires almost no coding.

Beyond configuration

This example demonstrates how to change the experiment in a way that is not supported by TrajTracker Paradigm's basic configuration abilities: the script directly configures the objects that implement the experiment. It also demonstrates how to provide the per-trial information as a CSV file.

Complex stimuli

This script demonstrates how to use non-text stimuli. TrajTracker Paradigms can present such stimuli, but you have to take care yourself of creating them. The example we show here is a quantity-to-position mapping task. A similar approach would serve you for non-text stimuli in the discrete-choice paradigm.

Event-triggered code

This script demonstrates how to make your experiment do things in various times during the trial, without having to hack TrajTracker Paradigms functions.


This is achieved using TrajTracker's events mechanism. TrajTracker Paradigms defines the flow of a trial and dispatches several events during each trial (e.g. when the trial starts or ends, when the finger moves, etc.). The event manager lets you easily hook your functions to any of these events.

Track the trajectory

This script demonstrates how to write a custom function that continuously performs operations based on the finger's current position.

Discrete choice

Most of the features presented above for number-to-position task will also work for discrete-choice tasks.

Basic configuration

A basic two-button forced-choice task with text stimuli requires almost no coding.

Custom stimuli

When the stimuli are non-text, you will need to create them by yourself of course, but almost no additional coding is required.

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