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TrajTracker Paradigms: Sample scripts
Non-text stimuli

This script demonstrates how to use non-text stimuli. TrajTracker Paradigms can present such stimuli, but you have to take care yourself of creating them. The example we show here is a quantity-to-position mapping task. A similar approach would serve you for non-text stimuli in the discrete-choice paradigm.


The script implements a quantity-to-position mapping task: in each trial, the subjects sees a collection of dots and indicates their quantity as a position on the number line. TrajTracker Paradigms supports the drag-finger-to-position functionality, but does not handle the creation of dots: this you have to do by yourself.


For the simplicity of this example, the program creates just one dot cloud for each number between 0 and 100 (in a real experiment, you would probably control for visual factors of the dot clouds). The 101 dot clouds are entered as the possible targets in a MultiStimulus object, and the configuration file indicates which of them to show per trial.

import numpy as np

import random


import expyriment as xpy


import trajtracker as ttrk

import trajtrackerp as ttrkp

from trajtrackerp import num2pos



if not xpy.misc.is_android_running():

    xpy.control.defaults.window_mode = True

    ttrk.log_to_console = True


ttrk.env.default_log_level = ttrk.log_info




#    Basic configuration



accuracy_levels = [.05, .1]


config = num2pos.Config("Q2Pos(D+U)",




                        data_source="quantity_to_position.csv",  # Read targets from this CSV file






                        post_response_target=True,         # After response was made, show the correct location





                        sound_by_accuracy=((accuracy_levels[0], 'feedback-accuracy-0.wav'),

                                           (accuracy_levels[1], 'feedback-accuracy-1.wav'),

                                           (1, 'feedback-accuracy-2.wav'))




#  Functions for creating the visual stimuli - one dot cloud per target number




# Create stimuli: grey circle with dots in random positions


def create_stimuli(min_value, max_value):


    stimuli = {}


    for n in range(min_value, max_value):

        main_circle = xpy.stimuli.Circle(radius=35, colour=xpy.misc.constants.C_GREY)

        dots = []


        for i in range(n):

            dot = xpy.stimuli.Circle(radius=2, colour=xpy.misc.constants.C_BLACK)

            randomize_dot_position(dots, dot, main_circle.radius-3, "%d(dot#%d)" % (n, i))

            dot.radius = 1



        stimuli[str(n)] = main_circle


    return stimuli




# Find a random position for a dot, which does not overlap with any of the previous dots


def randomize_dot_position(other_dots, new_dot, radius, dot_desc):


    for i in range(10000):

        new_pos = get_random_pos(radius)

        is_overlap = sum([d.overlapping_with_position(new_pos) for d in other_dots]) > 0

        if not is_overlap:

            new_dot.position = new_pos



    raise Exception("Can't find position for stimuls %s" % dot_desc)




# Select a random position for the dot.

def get_random_pos(radius):


    # Random distance from the middle (to get even dot distribution, the probability is

    # proportional to distance**2)

    r = np.sqrt(random.random() * radius**2)


    alpha = random.random() * np.pi * 2  # Random angle


    x = int(r * np.cos(alpha))

    y = int(r * np.sin(alpha))


    return (x,y)




#           Run experiment



#-- Initialize Expyriment


exp = ttrk.initialize()



if not xpy.misc.is_android_running():




stimulus_list = create_stimuli(0, 100)


#-- Get subject info

(subj_id, subj_name) = ttrkp.common.get_subject_name_id()



#-- Run the experiment


exp_info = ttrkp.num2pos.ExperimentInfo(config, exp, subj_id, subj_name)


exp_info.generic_target.available_stimuli = stimulus_list




ttrkp.common.save_session_file(exp_info, "NL")


#-- Shutdown Expyriment


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